Friends of

Pinnacle Peak Park

Pinnacle Peak Sunrise hike

Friends of Pinnacle Peak Park Board:

  • Lisa levey - PRESIDENT
  • Tom Eye - Treasurer
  • sheila wright - SECRETARY
  • Paul Diefenderfer 
  • molly heekin
  • sean hufford
  • ​Eric Repec

Park staff:

  • katie anders
  • farshid mehrdadfar

take a virtual hike

what we do

  • Provide support for the Park's environmental education programs.
  • Support the development of educational materials and programs for the benefit for the public
  • Expand training and recognition of the Park volunteers.
  • Produce a newsletter outlining Friends activities.
  • Support the development and maintenance of facilities appropriate for park users.

The ​Friends of Pinnacle Peak Park was founded to ensure the Park's ambiance is preserved for future users.  More than 240,000 visitors each year enjoy the beautiful trail and unsurpassed views that Pinnacle Peak offers.  The unparalleled beauty of the Sonoran Desert is captured magnificently at the Park, but like all desert areas, it is a fragile ecosystem. The Friends of Pinnacle Peak Park supports, preserves, and enhances the character of the Park in alignment with users' interests.
